Josh's Digital Bin #4

by Joshua B. Hoe It is Tuesday, so time for another Digital Bin.

Again, the concept is that you can use these bins just like we used bins back in record store days - as a place to explore. If you find music you like, please do purchase it or support the artists involved.

My main goal is to aid in the discovery process because I always loved discovering new (or new to me) music at record stores.

Introflirt: Introflirt

Every once in awhile I find an artist that is a real joy and surprise. Introflirt is pretty awesome, kind of an 80's electropop feel but with just enough oddness/darkness to keep things interesting.

I have listened to this one several times. Highly recommended.

Malory Wayt: New Singer Songwriter

I eat pretty regularly at Potbellies near the Starbucks where I type most of this stuff. Anyway, one day I am eating my sandwich and I hear someone with a really great voice singing. I look up and it was the person who had made my sandwich.

I have seen her perform live since and I think she has an outstanding voice (and she is building some production chops too). Here are some of her songs (Sun, Moon, Stars is my fave).

20 Watt Tombstone: Wisco Disco

Very different stuff here, this is some Texas Blues Stomp from 20 Watt Tombstone. Had the privilege of chatting with them a few times, great people and great band!

Get some whiskey, loosen your holster, and sidle up to the bar!

Wisco Disco by 20 Watt Tombstone uploaded by Joshua B. Hoe

The Shameless Pursuit: Fail It Forward

These guys got in contact with me and seemed a small bit reluctant because I don't think they thought they were really in my style wheelhouse. I did enjoy their album, and while it is a bit more twee than my normal, I like to listen to all kinds of stuff.

Truly did appreciate the album, hope you enjoy it too!

Pinegrove: Cardinal

Really enjoyed this new album by Pinegrove. A song might just show up in this weeks playlist as well :).

Cardinal by Pinegrove, uploaded by Joshua B. Hoe

Well, that is another full digital bin, hope that you enjoyed checking it out!

Check Out:

Josh's Digital Bin #1

Josh's Digital Bin #2

Josh's Digital Bin #3

Have you enjoyed the Digital Bin series? What bands have you really enjoyed? Would love to hear your opinions, leave a comment!